Full-stack Engineer (full time, contract)
Checkatrade (UK, remote)
Feb 2024-current
Helping other teams to deliver code faster. Eliminated security report issues for two projects. Fixed important problems in cross-organization components. Improved local development environment usage with docker compose. Converted a project from JavaScript to TypeScript. Increased test coverage for many sub projects (.NET and TypeScript). Provided some form of consultancy for different teams.
C#.NETTypeScriptFirebaseGoogle CloudTerraformDocker
Full-stack Developer (part-time, contract)
Perci Health (UK, remote)
Jul 2021-Feb 2024
Created new web applications to support the UK Health startup that helps fighting cancer. Improved applications quality by covering new and old applications with E2E tests (Cypress and Microsoft Playwright). Simplified code base by moving the solutions to monorepo using Turborepo. Integrated many third party services. Micro-projects are implemented with the low cost infrastructure using Google Firebase.
TypeScriptReact.JSFirebaseFirestoreNode.JSExpress.JSWebSocketsREST APIAWSAWS CognitoGoogle CloudCypressPlaywrightPostmarkPauboxSlackTypeformTurborepoStripe identity
Senior Full Stack Engineer (full time, part-time, contract)
Nodia (Germany, remote)
Oct 2023-Jan 2024
Building the web application for the Germany Web3/NFT startup and arts exhibitions. The project is built with the latest technologies: Next.JS v.14 App router, TypeScript, Tailwind, Firebase, Web3, Hardhat, minting NFTs and creating Solidity contracts with Ethereum blockchain.
Web3NFTSolidityEthereumNext.jsReact.jsTailwindTypeScriptREST APIFirebaseGithubStripeWeb3AuthWalletConnectIPFSCI
Chief Technology Officer (CTO) (part-time)
Socionom (Russia, remote)
Jan 2021-Dec 2023
I helped a former colleague to build the educational social network (EdTech). Leading the technical team, interviewed and searched for candidates. Setup Atlassian Jira and managed technical tasks. Updated the architecture to use a Cloud platform with microservices and Docker Swarm. Developed Node JS microservices (Video converter, Auth, Zoom services). Set up auto delivery infrastructure with Terraform, Continuous Integration with Github and Git submodules. Created Dev, UAT and Production environments in the Cloud. Provided documentation and technical plans for the product growth. The cost of infrastructure and third party services was reduced in 5 times, it saved 30,000 USD per year.
Vue.jsJavaScriptNode.JSExpress.JSREST APIWebSocketsAWSYandex CloudTerraformDocker SwarmGithubCIPostgresSequelizeMongo DBRedis
Software Engineering Tech Lead (full time, contract)
Kana (UK, remote)
Jan 2022-Sep 2022
Helped the UK startup to implement Pricing SaaS product in a very challenging and dynamic work flow.The web application is built with rich UI (Next.JS, Chakra UI) and multiple backend services (Nest.JS, GraphQL, REST API, Queues, Relational and Document databases, Clickhouse DB). Simplified development cycle by moving the code base to Monorepo with Turborepo and Github CI Workflows. Provided deep integration with Stripe Billing provider, and many other third party services. Created a couple of public NPM packages for the main product usage (client and server side). Improved latency for high-load client requests by adding a small backend server written in Go lang.
GPTOpen AIPrompt engineeringTypeScriptReact.JSNext.JSChakra UINest JSNode.JSGraphQLREST APIWebSocketsPrisma ORMPostgreSQLAWS Dynamo DBAWSRedisGo langStytchStripeSentrySegmentTurborepo
Product Chief Architect (full time, contract)
Aurea via Crossover (US, remote)
Nov 2017-Apr 2020
Initially joined the organization as the C# .NET Chief Architect. Then has changed the position to the Product Chief Architect, which was the key technical role for a large Supply Chain software. It required to be a core person that other teams were dependent on to improve the product. Crated tasks and provided code reviews for the Software development team, wrote E2E tests, reviewed the work of the manual QA team, created tasks and provided code review for the Auto QA team, created architecture documentation, implemented DevOps role in the cloud infrastructures (AWS and Azure). Prepared technical reports during Due Diligence process in the middle of acquiring multiple companies. A broad range of technologies in the Microsoft stack: C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, xUnit tests, nUnit tests, Azure CI Deploy, AWS Cloud hosting, and many more. Reduced the infrastructure cost by several thousands of USD per month after finding forgotten dozens virtual machines that were created by the migration team in the custom cloud.
C#.NET.NET CoreWiX installerWPFXAMLASP.NETEntity FrameworkLinqADO.NETnUnitAngularReact.JSTypeScriptJavaScriptJQuerySeleniumMochaNode.JSREST APIAWSAzureJenkinsDockerAnsibleGithubMS SQL
Full-stack Developer (freelance, part-time, contract)
Self-employed (Chile, remote)
Jan 2016-Oct 2017
Created web applications for Chilean startups, and a website for the non profit project to prevent Chilean forest fires. Full-stack role with variety of technologies: AWS Lambda, Serverless, Node.JS, ReactJS, PHP, Jquery, Bootstrap, Shopify, MySQL, AWS DynamoDB.
C#.NETWPFXAMLMVVMReact.JSNode.JSJavaScriptTypeScriptJQueryCSSAWSAWS LambdaAWS Dynamo DBServerlessPHPShopifyMySQL
Sustained Engineering Developer (full time)
Readify (Australia, on-site)
Jun 2015-Dec 2015
Improved and maintained applications for Australian clients with a variety of fields and technologies. A mobile application for truck drivers (C#, XAML, Xamarin Native), a brand website of a mining corporation (C#, ASP.NET, MS SQL Server), an application for a large insurance company (C#, Microsoft Silverlight, WCF, MS SQL Server), multiple web sites created with TypeScript, React.JS, Angular.JS, Node.JS, AWS and Azure cloud hosting.
C#.NETWPFSilverlightXAMLMVVMASP.NETLinqEntity FrameworkWCFUmbracoXamarinSharepointReact.JSAngularJavaScriptTypeScriptJQueryNode.JSCSSMochaJasminnUnitAzureMS SQLMongo DBDDD
Principal Software Developer (full time)
T-Systems CIS (Russia, Germany, on-site)
Oct 2012-May 2015
Created a brand new desktop application for the large Germany client in the automotive industry. The role included work on the frontend (Windows Presentation Framework/WPF, XAML), as well as on the backend (C# .NET services, WCF, MS SQL Server). The project was taken by almost 100 IT specialists seating in one building (software developers, DevOps, QA specialist, software architects, business analytics, designers, managers), it was one of the largest software teams in Europe working one project. The work included multiple business trips to Munich, Germany.Created a brand new desktop application for the large Germany client in the automotive industry. The role included work on the frontend (Windows Presentation Framework/WPF, XAML), as well as on the backend (C# .NET services, WCF, MS SQL Server). The project was taken by almost 100 IT specialists seating in one building (software developers, DevOps, QA specialist, software architects, business analytics, designers, managers), it was one of the largest software teams in Europe working one project. The work included multiple business trips to Munich, Germany.
C#.NETWPFXAMLWCFMVVMMicrosoft PRISMDevexpressLinqEntity FrameworknUnitMS SQLDDD
Technical Founder (part-time)
High Robotics (UK, remote)
Jul 2013-Dec 2014
With the goal to improve design and user experience in the IT industry opened the UK company called High Robotics LTD. In collaboration with the hired designer developed new web applications for Chilean and Germany startups, as well improved User Experience for existing products. One client intended to improve safety for mining workers by building a robot with wheels, camera and gas sensors. Our company made a research to design the best suited User Interface for a robot remote control. I programmed the realization in C#.NET and WPF. It was a real fun to play with a robot located in Chile across the globe. To improve the software design created two open sources projects: WPF/XAML controls with multiple style sets; SVG icon set compatible with Bootstrap.With the goal to improve design and user experience in the IT industry opened the UK company called High Robotics LTD. In collaboration with the hired designer and clients developed brand new web applications for Chilean and Germany startups, as well improved User Experience for existing products. One client intended to improve safety for mining workers by building a robot with wheels, camera and gas sensors. Our company made a research to design the best suited User Interface for a robot remote control. I programmed the realization in C#.NET and WPF. It was a real fun to play with a robot located in Chile across the globe. To improve the software design created UI open sources projects: WPF/XAML controls with multiple style sets; SVG icon set compatible with Bootstrap.
C#.NETWPFXAMLMVVMReact.JSNode.JSJavaScriptTypeScriptJQueryCSSAWSAWS LambdaAWS Dynamo DBServerlessPHPShopifyMySQL
C#.NET Developer (full time)
Intourist - Thomas Cook (Russia, on-site)
Nov 2010-Oct 2012
Automated bus tours scheduling and tourists tracking by creating a desktop application (Windows Forms, C#, MS SQL Server and ADO.NET). Improved flight booking and tourists tracking for the Air tours department by creating a desktop application (C#, Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), MS SQL Server, LINQ and ADO.NET). Supported and improved the existing insurance web site written in C# (ASP.NET, JQuery, CSS, WCF, MS SQL Server and Microsoft Reporting Services).
Software Engineer (full time)
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work (Russia, on-site)
Mar 2010-Oct 2010
Developed and supported IT projects for the Psychology institute. The main one included programming Microsoft Sharepoint MOSS 2007, an internal portal for digital workflows and document processing. It required a close collaboration with the dean and the head of IT department. Also extended the physical Ethernet network in a new building.Developed and supported IT projects for the Psychology institute. The main one included programming Microsoft Sharepoint MOSS 2007, an internal portal for digital workflows and document processing. It required a close collaboration with the dean and the head of IT department. Also extended the physical Ethernet network in a new building.
Teacher of the IT course (contract, part-time)
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia, on-site)
Sep 2009-Jul 2010
Provided the introductory IT course for the Psychology and the Social department students in the Saint Petersburg State University. The course included basic computer structure, creating websites with pure HTML and CSS, visualization of XML data and T-SQL queries.
Information technology specialist (full time)
Nevskie Shkafy (Russia, on-site)
Sep 2009-Jul 2010
Software developer role.
Programming the internet shop for the large wardrobe company with PHP and MySQL database. Migrated visual wardrobe configuration in the website from Macromedia Flash to Microsoft Silverlight C#.
IT administrator and help desk manager roles.
Supported clients and colleagues with IT tasks, maintained the fleet of computers, hardware and software installation/updates, extended physical Ethernet network through the organization offices, set up routers, switches, network and Microsoft Windows servers.
Sales and courier role.
Supported internet shop clients with wardrobe selection, delivered paper contracts to clients.
C#.NETSilverlightPHPWeb servicesJavaScriptCSSMySQLMS SQLHelp deskAdministration
Junior Software Engineer (part-time)
SEO-promotion group (Russia, on-site)
Jun 2007-Mar 2008
Search engine optimizations for multiple clients, improving ranks for search results in Google and Yandex websites. Variety of stacks: PHP, ASP Classic.
PHPC#.NETASP ClassicMacromedia Flash CS3CSSJavaScript